Work experience#

Postdoctoral researcher#

  • Jan 2024 - Current

  • Study of methods of Deep Learning applied to Continual Learning problems in neural networks

  • Founded by the project: LEGO.AI: LEarning the Geometry of knOwledge in AI systems

  • AImageLab – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy

This position started during my last year of Ph.D. studies and continued after the completion of my thesis. During this time, I have been working with several Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers on a wide range of works, including studies on Continual Learning and composition-based learning.


Continual Learning Compositional Learning Model Merging

Junior research fellow#

  • Jan 2021 - June 2020

  • Main topics:
    • Anomaly detection applied to high-frequency time series data

    • Semantic segmentation of medical images

  • Supervisor: Simone Calderara

  • AImageLab – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy

From January 1, 2021, to June 30, 2020, I worked as a research fellow at the AImageLab laboratory of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. During this time, I gained knowledge in group work and deepened my understanding of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning techniques. During this time, I collaborated with the company IMA through the Seneca project for Industry 4.0, particularly focusing on anomaly detection techniques in high-frequency time series.

Furthermore, I collaborated with the startup Farm4Trade to develop ADAL: an automated systems for recognizing respiratory diseases in animals during slaughter through techniques of Semantic Segmentation. This resulted in a publication at the MDPI’s Animal journal (see research).


Anomaly detection Time series Deep learning Semantic segmentation Medical imaging

Freelance full-stack developer#

  • Jan 2017 - Dec 2018

  • Design and implementation of a web application for the management of the company’s structures (shelters).

  • Club Alpino Italianoremote.

The system utilized a NoSQL database powered by MongoDB, a choice made to accommodate the project’s need for extreme flexibility. The backend was developed using Node.js, along with the Express.js library for creating and managing APIs, while the front-end interface was built using the Angular framework. The work conducted in collaboration with the Italian Alpine Club has been compiled and documented for the undergraduate thesis and is available in a fully Open Source format.


Full-stack development Web application NoSQL MongoDB Node.js Express.js Angular